How to Recover Linux Partition When Deleted Accidentally


Linux is basically a command based operating system, where, there is a command for each operation and users, who use Linux based computers are usually known as more technically sound individuals. But, however tech savvy one may be, accidental deletion of data is quite common even in case of Linux systems. Moreover, sometimes while resizing partitions with various third-party utilities, important existing Linux partition gets accidentally deleted causing a serious data loss situation. In such a case of Linux data deletion, a Linux data recovery software can help you recover your lost partition back.

Users make multiple logical partitions to a single hard disk drive for the convenience of data storage. Moreover, Linux operating system based computers are often with multiple partitions and each of the individual partition has a fixed size. It is quite common that the need of partition space changes and hence, the need to resize the partition arises. Though, there are several partition resizing tools for Linux systems do exist, there lies a number of potential risks of partition loss as well. Therefore, the whole process of partition resizing becomes more complex than it actually seems.

There can be a number of causes behind the loss or deletion of a partition, while partition resizing. Moreover, the user must gain enough knowledge before dealing with the partitions as they contain your valuable data. However, once, your Linux partition gets deleted, you can be able to restore it from your previous valid backup. In case, you do not have any good backup or due to any unresolved reason, failed to restore data from the backup, then, you have to take the help of an efficient Linux recovery software to recover your lost partition back.

Linux recovery software are designed to recover all your lost, deleted, formatted or inaccessible Linux based partitions or volumes with ease. These utilities are powerful enough to scan the drive, locate your lost partitions and recover all the data from them. Moreover, with detailed instructions based graphical user interface, these utilities are simple in usage even for the users, who are not so proficient in terms of computer technology.

Stellar Phoenix Linux Data Recovery is a powerful Linux data recovery application of the current age and has been appreciated by a number of satisfied customers over the years. The software can be immensely helpful in recovering lost, accidentally/intentionally deleted, corrupted or inaccessible Linux OS based partitions from any available version/flavor of Linux irrespective of any software/hardware limitations. The software comes with a pretty simple and easy to use interface, which will seem simple even to the users who have never used such a recovery software.

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